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Sugaring Croissant

Noor Deeyanah


Noor- Deeyanah is a current student in the VCC baking program, she’s most excited for the chocolate unit. When she is not baking, Noor-Deeyanah loves to listen to music, watch funny cat videos and make fried chicken.



Adeela is a recipe developer who has over 25 years of experience in testing and perfecting the yummy treats sold here at Enchantresses Emporium. When she is not concocting the most delicious treats Adeela is chronic crafter and bakery hopper. 







Maleekah is a recent graduate from UBC’s Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, who loves warm brownies, with homemade caramel sauce and ice cream. When she is not baking or struggling with social media managing Maleekah loves to read whatever she can get her hands on.



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